Uninstalling Advanced Server on Linux v13

Note that after uninstalling Advanced Server, the cluster data files remain intact and the service user persists. You may manually remove the cluster data and service user from the system.

Uninstalling on RHEL/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux

You can use variations of the rpm or dnf command to remove installed packages. Note that removing a package does not damage the Advanced Server data directory.

Include the -e option when invoking the rpm command to remove an installed package; the command syntax is:

rpm -e <package_name>

Where package_name is the name of the package that you would like to remove.

You can use the dnf remove command to remove a package installed by dnf. To remove a package, open a terminal window, assume superuser privileges, and enter the command:

dnf remove <package_name>

Where package_name is the name of the package that you would like to remove.

rpm does not remove a package that another package requires. If you attempt to remove a package that satisfies a package dependency, rpm provides a warning.


In RHEL or Rocky Linux or AlmaLinux 8, removing a package also removes all its dependencies that are not required by other packages. To override this default behavior of RHEL or Rocky Linux or AlmaLinux 8, you must disable the clean_requirements_on_remove parameter in the /etc/yum.conf file.

To uninstall Advanced Server and its dependent packages; use the following command:

dnf remove edb-as13-server*

Uninstalling on Debian or Ubuntu

  • To uninstall Advanced Server, invoke the following command. The configuration files and data directory remains intact.

    apt-get remove edb-as13-server*
  • To uninstall Advanced Server, configuration files, and data directory, invoke the following command:

    apt-get purge edb-as13-server*